Employee Details P11
The payment history can be displayed here. The last line, red background, is a total.
The left side of the grid shows the Month/Week no and date
The next section is the NIC information
Followed by the Statutory Payments.
The last section is the PAYE information.
If you double left click on the Wk, a browse window will display how the pay was calculated for that period.
You can manually adjust Pension Payments Retrospectively Pension Manually Adjust
Delete This Employee
This deletes the current employee . All information regarding this employee is removed., including P11 entries,SMP,Parenting,Attachments.
If there has been any enties re above then the P32 reports should be revalidated.
You can use this where you have entered an employee by mistake.
Do NOT use this to remove a 'left' employee. An employee who has been marked as left will be removed when you transfer to next year.
Previous years:
This will show previous years P11 information in a browse window.
employeedetailp11 21/2/12
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