Pension manually adjust

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Pension manually adjust

This allows you to add / adjust pension payments retrospectively.


This is a facility to manually add an amount for pension to a period that had not had a pension previously taken off.
It can also be used to adjust the amount of pension payments retrospectively.

The EmployersDetails/Pension needs to have a 'A.E. Pension'.
The pension scheme also needs to have the 'Relief At Source'.
You can not have a 'Net Pay Arrangement' type scheme as this would require the tax to be adjusted for the pay period.
The system will automatically adjust for any Holiday Advance periods taken.

On the P11 tab of EmployeesDetails double left click the appropriate period's 'Pen Pd EmployeE'.
This will display the main form.
The amounts for the employee and employer pension will be calculated.
The amounts are calculated using the NIC Pay.
If the Qualifying Earnings method has been used then the amounts will be calculated between the Lower Earnings limit and the Upper Earnings Limit.

You can choose between getting the calculations for both employee and employer or just the employer.
It may be more appropriate to use just the employer option because you have not actually taken the monies from the employees.

Having made the adjustments you can then prepare the CSV files for the pension providers via 'AE Pension/All Contribution Reports'.

The 'Previous Payslips' do NOT reflect any changes.


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