Setting Up Auto Enrollment
P.P. = Pension Provider, ie Nest
'A.E.Pension/PensionScheme' fill in the required details, if the pension provider is not there then you can rename the 'AE Other' to the required P.P.
'Employers/EmployerDetails/A.E.Pension', fill in the appropriate details.
'A.E.Pension/EmployeesReview' will review all the employees and what their 'Status' is. If you have not done a payrun in this year then you need to do a payrun BUT hit 'Abandon Payrun/GotoMainMenu' then hit 'Update Grid via Payrun'.
You can 'email/print letters' to the employees.
After you have enter any 'Group Name' you can 'Update Records' to send this information to the 'Employee/EmployeeDetails/Pension'.
Employee/EmployeeDetails/Pension' will show you what has been entered
When you then do a payrun it will deduct the appropriate pensions for Employee & Employer, taking account of the Start Date and 'Joined A.E' date.
This information can then be sent to the P.P. via 'A.E.Pension/AllContributionReports'.
To send the initial employees information ie names & addresses, to the P.P. use 'A.E.Pension/JoinerReports'.
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