Additional Full Payment Submission.

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How to correct error in the payrun AFTER the FPS has been sent.
1) The best method to fix this is to make an adjustment in the NEXT payrun to deal with the problem.
2) If you need the payslip corrected then you can 'Rollback' the employee, then rerun the payrun again for that employee. Because the FPS has been sent you do NOT send another. HMRC accounts for the cumulative figures so will see the alteration going through on the NEXT FPS. However you should account for the ORIGINAL tax,NIC & SLD to be sent to HMRC.
3) The third method is to again 'Rollback' the employee and redo the Payrun, but this time we send the ADDITIONAL FPS to HMRC.
You would use this option when:
An employee has LEFT and you have to redo the pay because it is less ( or more).
The error has had a serious effect on the TAX,NIC, SLD payable and you do not want to pay these extra amounts.

We are now going to send in an Additional FPS.

In this case we have an employee who has been paid £500.00 and the FPS has been sent to HMRC.
1) The employees payrun was dated 10/7/13
2) The FPS was sent 04/07/13
3) In the 'Gateway/History' get the XML that was sent an find the employee, leave this open.
4) Rollback the employee. Pop into 'Utilities/FileUtilities/ReduceFiles' to clean up the files.
5) EmployeeDetails click the 'LastPayment'
6) Do the payrun and change the figures.
7) Payslips,Reports, Update records as normal.
8) EmployeeDetails 'Prepare P45', enter the date and print the P45.
9) 'RTI/Additional FPS':
'Get FPS file previously sent' from the Gateway/History, click on the line and click 'Quit'
'Select Period' in this case the 10/7/13.
'Select Employees', get the employee(s).
'Show XML Details'. you will now be able to compare the original XML against the new revised one, to ensure it has the correct information. Please note that if there is a reduction then the 'Period' amounts will show as 0.00

Prepare File to Send: This creates the XML file which is to be sent, it also enables 'Send to HMRC'.
Show XML File: You can view the XML if you want.
Send Test to HMRC: This will send a test submission to HMRC via the Government Gateway.
Send to HMRC: This will send the submission to HMRC via the Government Gateway.

fpsadditional 03/07/13