Pension AE Eligible Employees
Staging Date
This is entered in 'Employer/EmployerDetails/A.E.'
Postponement Date
This is entered in 'Employer/EmployerDetails/A.E.'
Qualifying Earnings
This is the default entry, does not need changing.
Lower Qual. Earnings
This is the default entry, does not need changing.
Start Date
Enter the start date that you are going to use for your Auto Enrolment.
Last Payment Date
Enter the date of your last relevant payrun. This is used to calculate the yearly earnings.
Select A.E. pension to apply
Select the pension scheme you are to be using, ie Nest, Now etc.
This should be set up in 'EmployeeDetails/A.E.Pension' 'Default A.E. Pension Scheme'
Update Grid
This will use the Last Payment Date to calculate the Status of the employees.
You can change the Status manually.
This allows you to include/exclude the employee from the operation.
Print Details
This allows you to print the information
Print Letters
This will print the required information letters.
The layout template are in the main folder:
Postponement Letters
This will print the postponement letters
Group Name
You can enter any group name you have previously chosen when you set up the pension scheme with the provider
Update Records
This takes the status and puts it into the Employee Details Pension.
For Eligible it also brings over the Pension Scheme.
peneligibleaeemps 13/11/15
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