Date for Pay Processing
Enter a date for your pay period. The program will calculate the Tax Week / Month.
The date should be the date your employees receive their monies.
If the date falls on a holiday, and you therefore pay them earlier, still use the normal paydate.
Week , 2Weekly, 4Weekly, Month
Select pay Frequency you are using.
The boxes above show the week/month no calculated from the Date of pay processing.
The boxes below show the maximum week that has already been updated.
Thus normally the box above should be more than the box below.
If you have missed a pay period you will be advised.
This will remember your payment frequency. Mark either Weekly, 2 Weekly, 4Weekly,Monthly and click [sv] then Calcpay will remember your choice for the next time.
The system will then select all employees who have not been paid for that week no and payment frequency. It will ignore Leavers or those On Hold.
This allows you to further restrict the employees you are acting on. Mark those employees with a 'Y' that you wish to process.
Payslip Note
You can enter a note that will be printed on ALL the payslips with this Pay date.
see Payslip Note for more details. An individual note can be created in the Process Pay section.
This runs through all the selected employees once.
If it is unselected then it uses the previous payruns data, so it will use the previous payruns date, NOT RECOMMENDED.
If this is not visible then press 'Alt+F8' to get it to appear
If there are no employees to process you will be informed & returned to the main menu.
calcpaycriteria 27/09/11
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