Multi Employer
Enter a number & click OK or return/enter
Click the employer name & Click OK or return/enter
Double Click the Employers Name line.
If you are using the DEMO licence then the program informs you how many more periods you can enter.
You are allowed up to 2 employers on the standard package, 999 companies on the multi-employer versions.
Use File/New Employer to add a new employer.
The Title Bar will display the employer name and directory.
Change the order that the employers are displayed via the Numeric,Alpha,,T.Ref option.
S.E = Small Employer claimed. This is where the employer pays less that £45,000.00 NIC per year. Thus can claim 100% back for SMP, SPP,SAP, ShPP payments together with rebate.
E.A. = Employers Allowance claimed. This is where the employer has claimed the Employment Allowance of £3000.00.
multiemployer 15/02/13
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