Version No
This shows what the current version of the program is.
A version of say 08.001.0403 can be read as:
08 The year that Payruns can be calculated to ie 05/04/08
001 The version number in the year. This shows major changes.
0403 Minor ver change, actually displays the date of the change, in this case 3rd of April
This displays User Licenced or DEMO if not licenced.
User Id
The default is USER.
User Password
The default for USER is 0604 ie 6th of April. It shows up as ****
Default Date
This is today's date. This is used to obtain the CalcPay week/month no
To change the default password, Utilities/Security/Change Password.
To sign on as a different name Utilities/Security/Security Settings.
login 02/04/07
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