Email Settings
You need to enter your email address into 'Employer/EmployerDetails', 'Email'
Mail Server
This is what your computer uses to send emails.
For 'tiscali' it is
For 'gmail' it is
User Name
This is the name you use to conect to the server
For tiscali it is like
For gmail it is like
This is the password that you need to connect to the server.
Tiscali does not need you to enter one, you can if you wish.
Gmail insists on a password.
This is a number that your computer uses to send emails through the HTTP protocal
For Tiscali it is 25
For Gmail it is normally 465 or perhaps
Use Authentication
Sometimes the Mail Server requests this.
Tiscali does not need it.
Gmail does need it.
Sometimes the Mail Server requests this.
Tiscali does not need it.
Gmail does need it.
After entering an email address, that you can view, you can check that is working OK
Note for GMAIL
Initially this might not work. This could be because around March 2013 Gmail increased its security settings.
You may need to 'Allow less secure apps: ON' in the gmail account.
You can find this setting in:
Sign into your Gmail a/c
In the gmail account click on the top right symbol, this will open your name details.
Click on 'My account'
Click on 'Sign-in & security'
Click on 'Connected apps & sites'
Scroll down to 'Allow less secure apps:'
Ensure it is set to 'ON'
retest the To email in CalcPay
emailsettings 11/7/11
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