Email Payslip
You can use CalcPays server to send out ePayslips, Pension Letters and P60s.
or you can use your own email server which also allows you to also send CCs & BCCs.
You enter the 'Senders' email in 'Employer/EmployerDetails' 'Email'.
please note that the 'Send test email' is the CalcPay email server.
'Employee/EmployeeDetails/Info', populate the 'Email' box. Tick the 'Send ePayslip' box.
Those who have got the 'ePayslip' ticked will be sent the payslip as an a PDF attachment, the others will be printed out as normal.
I suggest you first enter your own email address for the first employee so that you can test that it will work.
To set up your own email server use 'Utilities/EmailSettings'.
If there is an entry in 'Mail Server' then CalcPay will use YOUR server. Leave it blank to use CalcPays server.
This is where you need to enter the settings of the server from where you are using the email address entered above.
You should enter a email that you can access in the 'To' box and hit 'Test' in order to confirm that the email server is in fact sending out the email.
If you are using an 'Gmail' account then ensure you have read the 'Note for Gmail' in the help file.
When you now go to print the payslips, on the 'Payslip/Plain' and 'Payslip/12Heading' there is an option to 'Email'. If this is ticked then it will send out the ePayslip for those employees who have asked for ePayslips, the others will get the payslip printed.
To check that it is working OK then on the 'Range' select the employee who you have entered your own email to test.
You can choose any layout, I would recommend 'A4 Payslip Fancy Add Note 1Blu'. Non-ePayslips will be displayed/printed per your layout choice.
'Email Message' will display allowing you to enter:
Signature [where you can enter your own name]
If you using your own server then 'Copy To' & 'Blind Copy To' can also be entered.
'Continue' to proceed to email the payslips, You will see a notification of the employees getting the payslips, then the non-ePayslips will be display/printed.
ePayslip 7/5/17
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