Car & Fuel Benefits
Please note that these calculations are to do with the current year.
Enter the registration details.
Make and Model
Enter the information.
Date first registered.
This is required for the calculations. Different rules apply pre 01/01/1998.
Approved CO2 emissions.
Enter the amount here.
No CO2 Figure.
Tick if relevant.
Engine size.
Enter size here. Leave blank if there is an entry in 'Approved CO2 emmissions'.
If it is a Rotary engine enter 0
Fuel Type.
This is used to determine what % to charge.
Available for whole year.
Unclick if you wish to enter dates From & To ie car only available for part of the year.
FROM & TO These dates are inclusive. Must be in current PAYE year.
Other Unavailable days.
Enter as required.
List price of car.
Manufactures price not cost price. nb no longer restricted to £80000
Price of optional accessories.
When purchased with car.
Price of accessories after car was made available.
Later additions to car.
Capital Contributions.
What the employee has paid towards the capital cost of the car.
Amount paid by employee.
Amount paid as a running cost by the employee.
Cash equivalent of each car.
This amount is calculated from the above information.
The Fuel charge is calculated from :
Appy Fuel Charge.
Click if employee is responsible for the fuel benefit.
NIC rate.
Displayed NIC rate that is used. (as entered in Government/Tax & Nic )
NIC Charge for Car Benefit.
Calculated from the above information & carried back to employee's Car Benefit page.
NIC Charge for Car Fuel.
Calculated from the above information & carried back to employee's Car Benefit page
Van benefit 15_16 3150: 16_17 3170
Van fuel benefit 15_16 594: 16_17 598
carfuelbenefits 21/09/11
Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Free EBook and documentation generator